Monthly Archives: August 2023

Snap Daily

Yeah, been playing snap for a fair bit. I would say for the daily grind, this is the deck i would use. It’s not the best deck per say, but in the rank range from 10 – 50, it does quite decently. You have to know when to play some of the cards and reading the room / ability of the location.

Nebula : Good 1 cost drop to Fill in. Unattended, she would just grow in size. Which is good.

Daredevil : Good 2 for 2. Also ability cant be cancelled unless opponent also plays daredevil. If he didnt, then your turn 5 is smooth as you can forecast his play.

Luke Cage : Also another 2 for 2. Good early turn drop if you need to fill it in, and also if you suspect that the opponent plays power penalties, then you can drop cage at a later turns rather than early.

Jeff : He’s godsend. Many times he fits the 2 cost and also free movement unrestricted makes him key for some location winning strategies.

Storm : Location Changer. Close off some location early and force opponent’s hand.

Cosmo : Locks down on reveals. If you see Barney / Wolverine and any location, you can drop him on turn 3 if you have initiative to reveal first so that it will shut down their Carnage / Venom / Deathlok.

Enchanter: Good 4 for 5 power. She also shut downs key ongoing ability. Just remember that her ability is a reveal and shut downs your own ongoing, so use her wisely.

Hobgoblin : If there are enough holes in opponents’ formation, you can hotdrop this to lower their power.

Professor X : Anytime you think you can gain superior advantage especially if daredevil peeked for your 5th turn, hot drop this. If you see that dropping prof but still needing that 1/2 points of power, you can move jeff there to gain the location.

Gamora : solid 5 drop for potential 12 power with daredevil scouting.

Legion: Highly useful in location ability manipulation. Still in testing so far useful. You can lock down if you drop storm on turn 4 and him on turn 5. Then move Jeff on turn 6 or drop from hand to take 2 locations.

Doctor Doom : For the turns you dont get that optimum hand, he fills all three location, so you probably already concede one location away and aim for just two.

Overall i love this deck, have many options and combos to play. It’s not super high imba deck but can weather a lot of other decks.

Post Pandemic Gaming. It’s a Snap, how Marvel.

Well.. I’ll be honest. Pandemic was bad for card gaming in general. We can’t go out and the kids were stuck at home as well with nothing much to do.

During the start and height of pandemic, like many others, I turned away from board game and card games and turned to video games. Why the change? This is due to lockdown forces people to stay home, so no one can make it to the social location to have some games in physical. This also create more access for people to buy games digitally via online store was something that accelerated during covid. Nobody could leave the house, so naturally that’s the easier option.

Picking a multiplayer game was easier too. There’s Destiny and also Genshin impact which was easier for friends to hang out on chatting while gaming.

That lasted a while.

Post Pandemic though, people got back into the groove of gaming physically. I got into mtg again for a few months, then the release schedule scared me away. A product release every 6-7th week? Crazeeeh. So I dropped that, then I discovered Marvel Champions by FFG. A friend decided to go in and purchase the product 2 hand and I shared the cost for the game. It’s quite a good game to play solo or coop. I’m loving it for now and will get into discussion about that game in another post.

The other card game that I actually got into, was Marvel Snap. Designed by Ben Brode being one of the lead designers.

It’s super fast paced, a complete game is done 6 rounds which is in 3-4 minutes, tops. It’s marvel themed, of course. So you have super heroes with abilities, and

The game play is simple, you a finite number of ‘mana’ / resource per turn, from 1 on turn 1 to 6 by turn 6. A deck is only 12 cards with no duplicates. There are 3 locations on the field, each location having their own effects, revealing from left to right from turn 1 to 3.

Your objective is to capture two locations with total power greater than opponents at that location. On the cards, left side is the cost in resource to play and the right, power/points to capture the location. And each heroes tends to have abilities, and it fits generally what you know of that movie/comic character. That makes the game awesome as it fits with what you know.

I can’t remember the exact deck I built when I started the game, but it was similar to this build.

The Control deck in Marvel Snap contains these cards:

  • Hawkeye – Quickly becomes the most valuable 1-3 Card in Marvel Snap once you play a card in the same location after it. 
  • Misty Knight – Move this card once to gain additional mobility.
  • Quicksilver – For that guarantee first turn drop.
  • Medusa – A solid 2cost for 5 power placed in center
  • Star Lord – A good guesser for 2c = 2/5powr
  • Sentinel – A good 2 cost that replaces itself. Always get warm bodies
  • Punisher – With his ongoing, you can drop him earlier to a location and later will get boost stats once opponents drop more cards in his location.
  • Cyclops – Replaceable with Colossus once you get it
  • Iron Man – A good way to boost your location total power by double
  • Abomination – Commits a strong force to a location
  • Hulk – Brute 12 Force there to swing power to your side if you play it right.

It’s a decent deck with the beginning pool. There a few more decently good builds for beginning games.

That’s it for now, will drop by with more stuff later.

Almost 4 years…

The last post was 2019, Aug 8. If I had waited for another 8 days, it would have been 4 years since that last post.

Well, Covid hits and the world is never quite the same. Hobbies have changed, card games are never the same again. Environment wise, people are more inclined to play online like Marvel Snap or MTG Arena.

Will be back in a day or two to collect my thoughts and post more on what gaming are some of us up to. Later